Check out our brand new U-Rock Music School website!

Cathy HallesseyBlog

This year marks a very special milestone for our music school. We’ve grown in leaps and bounds over the past few years and it is now time for us to show off our new look, new classes and new website:

Everything we’ve worked on diligently, behind the scenes, over the past few months has been with one goal in mind: promoting our awesomely talented students and showing off their success and accomplishments to the entire community.

2015 finds us eagerly anticipating our new morning programs for tots, new daytime lessons for home-schooled children, our amazing new rock band program. Of course let’s not forget our very popular U-Rock Star program: private lessons in singing, guitar, bass and drums for every one of our rockstar students who are all famous members of our big, happy musical family.

Let us know what you think of our new look, especially our mascot, ROX. We hope you find the new website (check out the pics & videos of our stars!) and our Facebook page as much fun as we do! Help us spread the word: music is the best thing you can do for your mind, body and soul.