We were interviewed by consultant Dave Simon recently so he could tell his listeners about our unique and fun business model. Our discussion is featured in the current Music Lessons and Marketing podcast, which Simon manages and hosts. Check it out here:
U-Rock announces award winners
Congratulations to all our award winners for 2020: 5 year achievement awards 2020: Aidan MacLeod, 14 Avery Rumsey, 12 Catherine Hnatiw, 17 Kiara Marsden, 13 Kyler Villeneuve, 16 Lindsay Côté, 13 Matt Dunn, 15 Phinley Agate, 13 Rowan Hendrick, 13 M.A.R.S. (Most Awesome Rock Star) Awards Winners 2020 New performers of the year: Mason Hartwick, 12 Daniel Meisenheimer, 10 Fiona …
Fall 2020 registration now open
U-Rock Music School is now registering for fall/winter 2020-21. We offer vocals, guitar, bass, drums, piano, ukulele, mandolin and banjo. Plus our famous groups: The Roxies (age 7-11), The Crushers teen band (age 12-17), and Pop Patrol (age 5-6) ALL lessons are offered both online or in-person, it’s entirely your choice.
A rising U-Rockstar!
We are PUMPED! U-Rock’s Keira Dixon, 14, is now an international YouTube star with her original song featured today on Kids Around the World!! We are so proud of you! And thanks for the awesome shout out to your teachers too. Keira’s interview is near the 8-minute mark of the video.
Your support means survival to us, thank you
To all our U-Rock Families, We hope your family is safe and well, given what we are all facing. We wanted to take a moment to thank you for your on-going support, you cannot imagine how much this means to us right now. This week’s transition to virtual lessons has been challenging for all of us, we are incredibly grateful …
U-Rock @Home, March 26
Welcome to U-Rock’s Stuck @Home Sessions for March 26. Today we feature videos from Kaitlyn, Mason and Kate. Good job guys! Keep them coming. Our new video challenge: wacky song lyrics. Use this lyric generator to come up with lyrics, and set them to music – you can make up the music or use a popular song: https://www.song-lyrics-generator.org.uk Record your …
U-Rock @Home, March 24
Welcome to U-Rock @Home for March 24. Today we have some great videos from Kaitlyn, Avery and Kyle. Today’s challenge: Interview your pet, family members or favourite thing in your house. Make whatever or whoever you choose the star of the video. Dress them up, ask them awkward questions and create a famous personality of them in your video. Also..songs! …
U-Rock @Home, March 23, 2020
WELCOME TO THE U-ROCK @HOME SESSIONS Episode one: March 23, 2020 U-Rock @ Home Sessions exists to help our fans and families survive their time together at home. Every day, we’ll post fun activities for you and your families. Record them and send us the videos. We will include them in our daily YouTube show. The challenges for today: Songs! …
Announcing @Home Sessions
On March 23, we’re launching our @Home sessions to help keep you sane in these crazy times. We know it’s no fun to be stuck at home. So we’ll be announcing fun activities every day and getting your participation…it’s gonna be EPIC! Music is one of the best ways to help your child cope with stress, so we want to …
March Break & Covid-19
U-Rock Music School will be closed from March 14-22. We will be resuming lessons after March Break. However, if you or your children have traveled or have any health concerns we will be providing private lessons, via Skype or FaceTime, in order to help reduce in person contact. Stay safe rock stars.